As an alumnus, professor of English, department chair of English and Comparative Literature, dean, vice provost and provost, Michael P. Clark strove to build the reputation of UCI as a distinguished national research university. He taught at the University of Michigan before joining the faculty at UCI in 1983. He began his professional career at UCI as a member of the English department, where he earned his doctorate. Clark is a highly respected scholar of early American literature, literary theory, contemporary U.S. fiction and popular culture, as well as an ongoing champion of scholarship and leadership. Some of his publications include Revenge of the Aesthetic: the Place of Literature in Theory Today, Jacques Lacan: An Annotated Bibliography, Michel Foucault: Tool Kit for a New Age, and The Eliot Tracts. He has played key roles in creating new academic programs in nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, education and statistics. Known for his high level of integrity, calm demeanor, and thoughtful consensus building, Clark has earned the Extraordinarius Award, which honors an individual who exemplifies the spirit and purpose of UCI. He has served on the editorial board of Early American Literature and Pacific Coast Philology.