Dan Stokols is Research Professor and Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus in Psychology and Social Behavior and Planning, Policy, and Design at UCI. He holds courtesy appointments in Public Health, Epidemiology, and Nursing Sciences. Stokols served as Director and founding Dean of the School of Social Ecology at UCI from 1988 to 1998. He is co-author of Behavior, Health, and Environmental Stress (1986) and co-editor of the Handbook of Environmental Psychology (1987), Environmental Simulation (1993) and Promoting Human Wellness (2002). Stokols is recipient of the Career Award from the Environmental Design Research Association, UCI’s Lauds & Laurels Faculty Achievement Award, and the Newman-Proshansky Award from APA’s Division 34 of Environmental, Population, and Conservation Psychology. He is currently a team science consultant for the National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI) and co-author of the National Academy of Sciences 2015 report on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science. Stokols' research interests include: (1) the science of team science (SciTS) and factors that influence the success of transdisciplinary research and training programs; (2) the environmental psychology of the Internet, especially the ways in which qualities of virtual life affect people's behavior and well-being; (3) the health and behavioral impacts of environmental stressors such as traffic congestion, crowding, and information overload; (4) the application of environmental design research to urban planning and facilities design; and (5) the design and evaluation of community health promotion programs.